28 Things I've Learned By 28

Written By Afterpay Integration - November 30 2018


December 04 2018

just read all 28 points (happy belated birthday btw !)
all 28 points are so valid and important to be happy, and I love that you’re always spreading positivity to all your followers and everyone you meet!
Every woman entering her 20s, like me, should read this and learn from it :)

Madison Ice
November 30 2018

Dazey, you inspire me everyday. This blog post is something I will forever refer back to. I absolutely LOVED it. As I’m entering my 20’s within the next few months this blog post surely did help and made me dream just a little bit bigger. Please don’t stop being you!

Michelle Wintersteen
November 30 2018

Read the whole thing and LOVED all you said here! I especially love prioritizing inspiration. I think this is so important and so overlooked when we feel the pressure to makes sales and keep cranking from a business standpoint. Keep up the good work, girl! Know that we are cheering you on from the sidelines!

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